
age composition中文是什么意思

  • (鱼群的)年龄组成
  • 城市人口年龄构成
  • 年龄分布
  • 年龄结构
  • 年龄组成



  • 例句与用法
  • The number of people searching for work in a less developed country depends primarily on the size and age composition of its population .
  • The age composition of leased staff the number is non - real
  • On age composition of supervision personnel and occupation service life of chief supervisor
  • Aging population is a global people ' s development trend nowadays , this kind of the changes in age composition of the population is influencing all respects of life extensively and deeply
  • This thesis investigates and analyzes the quantity , specialty structure , age composition , and academic credentials of communications talents . on the basis of extensive investigation , analyze the present situation of talents and problems existed in development
  • Consequently , the rate of natural increase dropped from four to two per 1 000 over the same period . the age composition of the population can be reflected from the dependency ratio . the ratio of people aged under 15 and aged 65 and over to the population of working age ( aged 15
    15岁以下和65岁及以上人口与工作年龄的人口( 15至64岁人士)的比率,即总抚养比率,由一九九七年的千分之三九九降至二零零二年的千分之三八一。
  • The economic status of the elderly was then investigated . investigation was implemented both from household level and individual level . the comparisons between households with different age composition and different age group were also made
  • The most before all others in this part by analyzing natural changes condition of the shandong total population , the change of population age composition type , development of population age pyramid and old age at age to foster the detailed analysis of coefficient change , and unfolds before one ' s eyes a course of aging development of shandong population , then four protruding characteristics of aging development of shandong population are summed up out on this foundation : population aging speed is fast ; district difference is clear , urban and rural difference is notable ; the population age structure in " gold particular period " of population and at the initial stage of population aging
    然后分析了世界和中国人口老龄化的发展特点及趋势,为后文对山东省人口老龄化的分析奠定理论和实践基础。第二部分:山东省人口老龄化进程分析。此部分中首先通过对山东省总人口自然变动、人口年龄构成类型变化、人口年龄金字塔演变和老年抚养系数变化的详细分析,展现出山东省人口老龄化发展的过程,在此基础上总结出山东省人口老龄化发展的四个突出特点:老龄化速度快;地区差异明显;城乡差异显著;正处于人口老龄化初期和人口年龄结构的“黄金时期” 。
  • If " revolution ” is a rapid resettlement of the social structure , and if the age composition of the society counts as a very important aspect of that social structure , then there has been a social revolution in european and particularly western european society within the lifetime of everyone over 50
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
age composition的中文翻译,age composition是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译age composition,age composition的中文意思,age composition的中文age composition in Chineseage composition的中文age composition怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
